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Burlap Diamond Shaped Christmas Wreath

Looking for a different look for a Wreath! Here's a great double hack using a square picture frame and burlap coffee sacks.

My frame is about 15x15".

Take the glass, print if there is one and backing out leaving you with just the frame.

other materials I used were...

solid fabric or burlap 4 metres by 6"

large roll of wired ribbon in 2nd colour choice (coffee)

4 novelty christmas decorations in 2nd or 3rd colour choice (coffee)

about 15 2" balls in 3rd colour choice in different finishes (gold, I found a pack of 18 that mixed 3 finishes)

about 12 'flat' style ornaments in 3rd colour choice (gold)

tools needed, light duty staple gun with staples, glue gun with glue.

For my 'fabric' portion of my wreath I am using the unprinted side of coffee bean burlap sacks. Gardening centres and craft stores also sell burlap or you can opt to use 5" or 6" wide ribbon. You will need about 4 metres.

Plan your colour scheme.

Main colour choice plus 2 more colours.

My wreath uses 3 tones from the same colour family being "burlap" colour, coffee and gold.

fold each side of your strip under and start by stapling the end. Then at about 8 inches fold the ends under again and staple about 2" from your first staple to create a fabric billow. Repeat this process all the way around your frame.

Try to slightly twist your staple point to create an ununiform look with your gathers. Once you're done 'fluff' out your 'billows'

next you will be cutting your compliment colour prewired ribbon into 8" pieces and stapling the 2 ends between each of your fabric billows.

Stapling ribbon between billows

at one corner of your wreath create 4 ribbon loops about 6" long each and a smaller one for the centre about 3"

Now look at your wreath and start by placing and gluing in your 'novel' decorations. I have a butterfly, owl, poinsetta, and squirrel.

Then start stuffing space with Christmas balls, you will start to 'see' space as your work around your wreath.

Next place your 'flat' decorations. I glued a few on the surface, then tucked some in and around, even behind in between the wreath billows and frame.

Finish by triming loose burlap pieces, and fluff out your ribbons and billows.

Hanging a generous ball of sticky tack at the base and underside of your wreath, press against your door to stop it from banging when the door is opened and closed.

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