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Eclectic Silver and Blue Painted Liquor Wine Cabinet

Eclectic Silver and Blue Painted Liquor Wine Cabinet

I really wanted a cabinet big enough to hold liquor, a few bottles of wine and maybe even some glassware.

TIP! My wall was perfect as it's south, meaning no direct sunlight or heat on the contents of the cabinet.

Eclectic Silver and Blue Painted Liquor Wine Cabinet

A 2nd hand alder pantry all sticky with craft glue, kids stickers, the smell of spices, but it had potential to be 'un-country'ed'! I kept seeing blue, went to the store to buy green, came home with blue.

The cabinet was fully taken apart and cleaned, glass and hardware removed, then fully primed and sanded followed by 2 coats of the blue and 'coffee' (black) latex semi gloss paint. The silver (rustoleum) was lightly brushed with the blue and also used for the stencilled swirls on the sides and bottom drawer.

Eclectic Silver and Blue Painted Liquor Wine Cabinet

Those glass panels were tricky to get back in so here's a hint...rub the runners with bar soap!

New Hardware, don't skimp on looks. The hardware may cost a bit more but you want it to look 'in place' with your piece.

Eclectic Silver and Blue Painted Liquor Wine Cabinet

So the Big Blue Cabinet doesn't look so out of place in this conventional room after all!

TIP! I had to find something verticle to break up the horizontal feel of the existing furniture. The height of the cabinet also helps break up the room and keep it from becoming a bowling alley!

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